Hello and welcome to the
inner recesses of my mind, a place filled with questions, answers and
wild assertions. As a new contributor to this blog, I thought I might
dive in with both feet and take you on a tour de force of what's
pissing me off this week. Together you and I, gentle reader, will
explore the phenomenon of “snowflake syndrome” that has recently
manifested itself in society since the election of Donald Trump.
Although this piece has very little to do with politics per se and
even less to do with Trump, all of that is tangentially related and
will be made clear as we go along. To be honest, the roots of the
problem extend far back into the Obama years and can be traced
directly to the entitlement mentality he not only promoted but
encouraged for 8 years. Let's just say that the seeds sown during
those years have borne evil fruit that currently threatens to spoil
the entire crop of young people on the cusp of adulthood. This is not
simply a case of “one bad apple”, this is an entire generation of
hearts and minds having been spoon fed a steady diet of how special and
unique they are finally flowering into spoiled little brats with no
real contribution to make to society apart from their ability to
synthesize outrage at a moments notice.
Those of you reading this
are well aware of the past and most likely, acutely aware of how the
present is shaping up so what I thought I'd like to focus on instead
in where I see the future heading.
I need only use the
phrase, “snowflake syndrome” and instantly, a specific image
comes to mind whether it be a physical image, a personality type or a
combination of the two but regardless, you know exactly what I mean
when I use it.
A few words that spring
easily to mind like, spoiled, entitled, outraged, offended and soft
are most often associated with this syndrome.
This particular missive
was inspired by a video I saw float across my Facebook feed of a
young woman berating a couple for displaying affection in public. While
so much of what passes for truth on the site is often exactly the
opposite, this one seemed genuine and real.
This young woman was
deeply outraged that a couple would express affection in a local
eatery as she ordered her food. Her disgust and outrage was real. She
virtually radiated waves of hatred from her person like steam venting
from a New York City sewer grate. Her eyes flashed as she breathed
fire at these two for the sin of being in love. Her language was vile
and coarse with vulgarities being tossed about like alms for the
I watched this video
dumbfounded at the the level of anger being expressed about something so
benign as a public display of affection. In mute silence, I watched as
the angry woman called the man's girlfriend a whore, a slut and a
prostitute for daring to show affection in public. For the sake of
expediency, let's call the angry woman TCB(that crazy bitch) and the
other young woman IV(innocent victim).
TCB called IV a slut, a whore, and a
prostitute because she was demeaning women by “sexualizing”
herself in public. Possible shades of SJW in that statement but it
didn't stop there. TCB was so violently upset that she threatened
numerous times to call the police because their display of affection
was a form of “sexual harassment” and “stalking” and she
wanted them arrested.
The young man who had
posted the video was the beau in question in this couple and he
claims that they were embracing each other as they waited and he
kissed her on top of her head setting TCB into action.
TCB was so completely
overcome with indignation that within moments, most of what she
claimed made no sense. She made wild accusations that the two were
“fucking in public” and they should “get a room” so the
patrons in the establishment would not have to be subjected to their
vile actions.
Sidebar, your honor.
Like you, right now I'm
asking myself how TCB didn't see her own actions as possibly
disturbing to said patrons. I actually screamed that at the video as
I watched it, “What about your behavior, you psycho hosebeast? Is
that not offensive as well?”
The moment the words shot
from my mouth I knew the answer. Well, to be perfectly honest, I had
two answers that seemed equally plausible. The first option is that
this woman is certifiably insane and currently not taking her meds.
Essentially a younger version of the bag lady that you sometimes see
screaming at lamp posts or pigeons or small paper cups on the
sidewalk in any large city.
The other possible option
was that she was a snowflake out to rid the world of offensive people
by, well, by being offensive. Her generation believes it is perfectly
acceptable to shame and insult anyone they see as “stepping outside
the narrow boundaries of acceptable behavior” irrespective of the
setting or venue.
That same generation can
no longer make the distinction between an epic rant on Facebook and a
deeply offensive display in public. They are performing a public
service and woe be unto you who get in their way.
While it may be true that
“snowflake syndrome” isn't actually a recognized mental disorder
there can be little doubt that it is indicative of potentially
dangerous mental instability lurking just below the surface.
It can only be a matter of
time before that instability manifests itself in some manner of
physical violence. Too many studies have linked severe emotional
outbursts to physical violence for this problem to continue to be
swept under the rug as merely young people being young people. That
sort of thing has already happened with the Black Lives Matter
movement and the “Hillary should have won” crowd that rioted in
DC on inauguration day. Emotional distress leads to violence. Now,
whether that emotional distress is justified or not is immaterial, it
must be dealt with before the worst can be allowed to happen. It
needs to be dealt with swiftly and harshly but the media refuses to
believe that this burgeoning level of emotional hysteria is anything
more than children behaving badly. Peaceful Tea Party protests are
treated as armed rallies of radicals bent on mass murder but riots in
DC are merely the venting of the fragile of spirit and should be
overlooked and excused.
Like the drumbeat of “lone
wolf terrorists”, this phenomenon threatens to blossom into
something of far larger consequence unless it is somehow shown to be
the cancer it truly is.
Imagine for a moment if
TCB had simply waited outside the establishment and then shot the
couple out of anger and extreme emotional distress. Or perhaps waited
for them to cross the street and used her car to run them down “for
the greater good”.
Mock if you will, laugh if
you must but that is exactly how terrorist movements get started. All
it takes is one member of the faithful to encourage others to act and
before you know it, dozens of people are killed because someone forgot
to show the proper respect for a transgender individual, or a Hillary
voter or some other protected group that feels slighted in some way.
It is my firm belief that
the current generation suffering from “snowflake syndrome” are
the next potential terrorist group in the country for the simple fact
that they are legion, they are angry and they can mobilize enormous
numbers of like minded people at a moments notice. To me, there is no
question of if, only a question of when and what weapons they will
choose to wreak their vengeance on an unsuspecting society. The sheer
volume of videos and the like of public shaming, protests, outrage
and abuse seems to be growing in number not decreasing. It really is
only a matter of time until shaming and verbal abuse no longer
satisfy their need for justice and they turn to more concrete and
sadly, more violent ends to prove whatever point they are attempting
to make that day.
If there is a revolution
in this country it will be sparked by this generation and their
inability to accept that their demands are not coherent enough nor
even possible to actually be met. The revolution will start when they
realize they have demands but no solutions, anger without a hope for
resolution and a need for justice that is too vague and ill defined
to be put into practical application.
We will look back at the
video of “that crazy bitch” and say, “Remember when all they
did was scream obscenities? Those were the good old days.”
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