Saturday, June 3, 2017

Why Kathy Griffin Isn't Responsible For Her Actions.

I’m going to do something I never thought I’d do. I’m going to help Kathy Griffin in her bid to assign blame for her current predicament. At first glance, one would make the assumption that she alone is responsible for what is happening to her. I made the same assumption myself but after careful consideration, I have come to understand that this conclusion may in fact be incorrect. There are larger forces at play here. Forces that may indeed have driven her to do what she did and thus suffer the consequences for it.
Follow along as we delve deep into the rabbit hole of madness that drove Ms. Griffin to her descent into insanity.
There is a larger cause that explains why she did what she did but it is not Mr. Trump and his family who are responsible as she appeared to claim in her recent press conference.
She is wrong in that belief but in her defense, she is not far wrong.
If we examine the recent past and put it into context, her actions begin to make a sick sort of sense. We need only to start with Trump’s inauguration to see where the seeds for her actions were planted. You  remember the scene, don’t you? The images of people, mostly women and millennials, crying and flailing about as if being subjected to electroshock therapy. The scenes of violence and rioting that nearly engulfed the streets of DC were ubiquitous that day . Cameras panned to the images of a burning limo, broken storefront windows and people running through the streets as if possessed by demons. The ensuing weeks brought more images of violent protesting. It was if someone had cranked America’s violence level up a few notches and then stepped away from the controls. It seemed the whole country was gripped by a madness that was not to be controlled. Well, not the whole country to be honest but half at least to be sure. The side that lost was simply unable to cope with defeat. Not just defeat but defeat at the hands of man who, by the time of the election, had been denigrated and compared to Hitler and even Satan himself.
Hordes of the unhappy descended on DC to march and protest in a never ending bid to both deny Trump his rightful victory and deny reality. The “Resist” movement cranked into high gear and began to spread like wildfire spurred by the inaccurate and deceitful reporting of media organs who had previously spent the months preceding the election assuring the country that there was no way Hillary could lose. Trump was too extreme, too damaged and too imperfect to ever be elected by a thinking electorate.
In the aftermath, it was clear their predictions had been wildly wrong on so many levels that the truth of all their polling and prognostication had been 180 degrees out of phase with reality. In truth, Hillary had run perhaps the worst presidential bid in American history. Beyond that, she was easily the most flawed candidate ever proffered by a political party.
There was nearly a 70 day period when she simply vanished from the campaign trail. She held no rallies, made no speeches and ignored huge swaths of America that she would ultimately need to be victorious. Trump, on the other hand, was a dynamo of political energy, crisscrossing the country, pressing the flesh and making speech after speech to anyone and everyone who would listen.  His campaign was unorthodox, to be sure, but it resonated with average people who felt tuned into his “Make America Great Again” message.
The rest is now history as the resident of the White House now proves.
Usually so good at political post-mortems, the media chose instead to ignore the truth revealed in the election results and engage in a non-stop, daily hate-fest for all things “Trump”.
They didn’t merely make mountains out of molehills, they invented molehills and then went into overdrive to morph them into mountains. They claimed that smoke was everywhere while throwing matches onto the dry brush of everything Trump said or did. The Russian “meddling” story began to fall apart almost immediately despite their best efforts to keep it alive and relevant.
The lack of proof seemed to have the opposite effect on the media. Instead of backing away gracefully, they doubled down on the lies with more lies. Somehow, the lack of proof was actual proof of wrongdoing. The lack of evidence was evidence of a massive cover up and all they needed to do was keep digging to find the “real” truth.
Except, it wasn’t there.
What they did find ultimately was proof of the illegal use of intelligence agencies by the Obama administration and the illegal umasking of subjects of a probe that sought to influence the outcome of the election.
There was in fact an attempt to meddle in an election but not by the Russians. The meddling was done by a sitting president and others who sought to deny Trump a victory because he represented something that the DC elite feared most of all. Real, tangible change to a system so corrupt it could not afford to be exposed to the light.
I’m telling you what you already know and you’re probably asking yourself how Ms. Griffin fits into this little political morality play.
I believe she too was swept up in the Trump hate promoted by the media, the left and the professional protestor class. Her own network, CNN, was perhaps most culpable in the constant barrage of negative press coverage. While not alone in their journalistic malfeasance, they lit the torch and held it aloft for all to see and became the banner that everyone who hated Trump could flock to and find comfort.
No one, in that climate of hate and intolerance, could be unaffected for long.
When one is fed a steady diet of sugar in excess, diabetes is sure to follow. When one is fed a steady diet of cholesterol or fat in excess, heart disease is the ultimate result.
Ms. Griffin was fed a steady diet of hatred, fear and intolerance and irrational action was the result. She may not have actually believed that the picture of a beheaded Trump was funny but she certainly thought it was well justified. It’s the age old battle of nature versus nurture on public display. No one, who is sane or rational, wants to behead someone and hold the head aloft as some sort of disgusting trophy. One must assume then that this hatred of Trump and her desire to portray him beheaded to his family and the rest of America is the result of being nurtured by  forces outside of herself.
One need only to look at liberal television shows like “The View” and others to see the seeds of Griffin’s actions.
It is perfectly acceptable to wish violence on Trump and his supporters these days. Actors and media stars across the country have openly advocated the deaths of anyone who voted for or supports Trump. The cacophony of Trump hate is daily trumpeted by nearly every media source in America including social media.
Griffin was merely channeling that hatred believing that it was completely justifiable to mainstream America. If your entire circle of friends and associates all think Trump is a monster, it is impossible to be objective about your own feelings.
My guess is that Griffin simply doesn’t know anyone who doesn’t hate Trump. Armed with that knowledge, her actions begin to make a perverted sense. We all know how deeply liberal Hollywood is and what it does to those that step outside of the mindset they all seem to live under.
So who, ultimately, is to blame for her actions? Let’s start with Hillary Clinton herself. She has openly advocated for the “Resist” movement and keeps up her claims that the Russians colluded with Trump to deny her the head seat at the table of power in America. Let us also call to task CNN and the NYTimes for their roles in stoking this irrational hatred. In fact, there are few media outlets who can escape a part in the blame. MSNBC itself has morphed into the “Hate Trump” network with endless screeds and tirades devoted to exposing him as some sort of monster. Since there is plenty of blame to go around let’s also save some for Obama himself. Most former presidents simply leave DC and blend into the woodwork to allow the country to get on with its life but not him. He has remained in the spotlight in order to contribute to Trump mania and to hide his own misdeeds before the election I suspect.
His narcissism is legendary by now and true to form he sees his chance to once again “save” the country from its own bad decisions while in truth he may just be trying to save the legacy he sees Trump dismantling with alarming rapidity each and every day.
Griffin had no choice but to act as she did. It was simply the inevitable conclusion to the amount of hate she has been receiving on a daily basis. She has been inculcated into the cult of denial that currently grips the left. She is bombarded on every side by a madness that still has not found its bottom. Until now it seems. She plumbed the depths and found the bottom when she posted that picture of a bloody head. Her career is in complete freefall now with her appearances being cancelled and her public persona being burned in effigy. Even CNN has decided to cut ties with her. That alone speaks volumes about the depth of her depravity. When the network that holds its viewers in sway with a never ending diatribe against Trump has to cut you loose then you have finally gone too far. What she did cannot be called scathing political commentary nor can it be called comedy. It was neither. It was a vicious attack on the office of the President of The United States, not on Trump himself. Let’s leave aside the fact that Trump’s son Barron, was nearly traumatized by the image of his father’s head, covered in blood, being held gleefully by what can ostensibly be called a member of the media and just focus on the act itself. In no sane mind is that kind of thing ever acceptable in a world threatened with the spectre of terrorism and images of beheadings in the news almost every week.
The media has glorified and promoted the violence surrounding Trump’s win not only to increase viewership but because they truly believe it is justified. Their role in Griffin’s actions cannot be downplayed or ignored. They managed to convince half the country that there was no way Hillary could lose. Why then would those same people not believe them when they spend every single day preaching a litany of hatred towards a man who has made them all look like the fools and charlatans they really are.
Their hatred of him is not based in actual reality of what kind of president he might be though. They are part of the DC elite and their corruption is being exposed as well and they hate him for it. The media has in recent times because just as important as the politicians they cover. They see their own seat at the table of power being pulled out from under them and they are deeply frightened of being left out in the cold and marginalized.
Griffin thought herself to be an important voice in the media and she too was threatened. She simply posed for a picture that everyone in the media secretly hopes could actually happen. While they may not come right out and say it, they all wish him ill will if not a painful death.
Her reaction is one of self preservation from some terrible predator. Her mistake was in believing that Trump was going to destroy her and her tenuous hold on relevance in America today. That belief was borne out of the hate she saw every day from everyone she knew. It is not surprising really to see her lash out as she did when you factor in the wave upon wave of intolerance she was subjected to.
This does not absolve her of the final responsibility for her actions to those her found her picture horrifying but according to the left, she had no choice but to do what she did. She is a victim of her circumstances after all and not really guilty.
Trump is guilty of being Trump. He forced her to act as she did. The media is guilty because they showed her the path she eventually found herself walking. If one applies liberal logic to her actions then she is not guilty at all. Society is guilty but only insomuch as the society she sees every day is decidedly liberal. Her friends are guilty. Her employer is guilty. Everyone is guilty but Kathy herself. The cult she joined is guilty. The cult that taught her that there are no lines to worry about crossing when it comes to political dissent. The same cult that now seeks to distance itself from her and acts horrified at her actions.
Griffin is the poster child for the rage and hatred that the media tried to instill in Americans. She shouldn’t be held up as some sort of “worst case scenario” but should instead become the symbol of what can happen when the liberal media and the left seek to cause unrest because they cannot handle losing.
She is ultimately what can happen when unchecked fear and hatred are constantly reinforced.

She is the endgame that the media has been hoping for. She is the culmination of a campaign to undermine and discredit a man they all hate and fear.
How can they now act as if it was unexpected? They wanted this, didn't they? They have been inciting violence and protest since the election results were made known.
Hypocrisy, thy name is journalism.

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