Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Bernie's Minions Of Malicious Dim - Part 1

     It’s been close to 30 years since I departed high school. Departed, not graduated. After quickly and quietly obtaining my G.E.D, I loosed myself upon the world to make my way by hook or by crook. Spending a good number of years traveling the country, working various jobs – cabinet shops, laminate shops, furniture shops, frame shops, sheet metal shops, a few restaurants on the side. I took my first foreman position at 22. I took my first failed shot at self-employment at 24. It’s been a long, tumultuous trip from the beginning of the adventure that is my adult working life to now; I’ve been with one primary employer for ten years, I take private clients and contracts, not single, an average house, (with a nice hardwood floor) a wife, couple of cars and a yard. Pretty much you’re average American life at just above the median American income for a family of four, but without the financial draw of the two kids. 

     This is, in part why a screed by Mike Rowe struck a particularly resonant chord with me today, in his response to a…how shall I phrase this…complete shit head Tweet by the Sanders campaign today.

     The DNC and the self styled white knights of the hardscrabble, the great unwashed, are (and always have been) duplicitous, mealy mouthed, snake oil salesmen when it comes to their pandering to “the working class.” For votes, the language used when pushing legislation or public policy initiatives, when attempting to mollycoddle and stroke the sooty heads of the downtrodden. The party leaders and policy wonks draw the disenfranchised and susceptible into their mobile canvass chapels by preaching sermons of secular salvation from suffering in terms of envy, of inequity, of blame, of vengeance.

How does this claptrap, based upon a pseudo intellectual construct that without your benevolent aid and ethereal visions of what an appropriate level of post secondary education should or could be, (never mind that you, nor any of your toadies in the grievance mafia, ever come to the point of explaining the term “free,” be it in terms of education, healthcare, or social services of any and all flavors) how does any of this pabulum elevate or assist in the condition, spirit, or motivation of anyone? How does constructing a net of mutual and statutorily enforced dependence upon my neighbor and my neighbor upon me accomplish anything but guaranteeing that all boats stay moored to the dock?

     But I digress…

The thing that chaffs my ass is how you bigots of perceived (lack of) intellect impugn, malign, and attack the ways, the means, and abilities of the common man, the blue collar worker at each and every opportunity for three out of every four years (and half the time every fourth year) then anticipate that your castigations will be forgiven and forgotten when you hang piñatas filled with empty promises at the fundraiser. Worse yet are those partygoers that put on the blindfold and take that giggling swing in hopes of that sweet spill of payout. Elsewhere at the party; the chatter is the standard, glib, new urbanist, sustainable, socially just blather about the ills inflicted upon the environment and reason by the troglodyte flat Earth crowd.

     Suffice it to say that I'm approaching TL;DR territory. In part two, I shall deconstruct, exactly, how the disperate collection of allied authoritarians in waiting really do despise middle America, the working class and how the promise of "free" post secondary education is being used as a tool to attack and dismantle the American middle class.

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