Wednesday, January 6, 2016

#BLM - Blame, Lies, and Manipulation

Allow me to just spitball here for a moment....something just ain't sitting right....

     If you are the average supporter and follower of the Black Lives Matter movement, I feel sadness and sorrow for you. You are following pied pipers, siren singers appealing to your emotional confliction; fiddlers deftly running their bows across the strings of your doubts, your guilts, your needs, your unsatisfied longing to be a part of something larger than yourself. If you are an organizer of this racialist variant of grievance stoking leftism, I feel nothing but contempt for you. You are lying, manipulating, merchants of blame for fun and profit. Peddlers of nebulous angers, loosely defined grievances; the wares that you hawk are cheap replicas of history, a history that you diminish with a rebranding campaign based on an appeal to nostalgia. Black Lives Matter is nothing more than the next rearrangement in the Progressive Socialist shell game where slight of hand and distraction is employed to render the participant unaware that the pea of secular salvation has already been discarded and all promise of payoff is as empty as the three half shells sitting on the table before them.

     The Wikipedia page for Black Lives Matter (I assume, authored by supporters or organizers themselves) is the usual ideological tossed salad of vague idealism that purports to be, a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy or structure.” A patent phrase that has been used as a tactic of feigned non-responsibility for acts of the few in the name of the many. Acts inspired by a few core,“activists,” that often lead to acts of violence by the,“allied,” but as equally (non)responsible (individual) actors within, “movements,” where there are no,“individuals,” only the,“cause,” under the guise of,"peaceful protest," while absolving the movement's role in inspiring acts of disruption, looting, riot, and siege as acts not advocated by the whole, but wholly supported. 

     The tactics, language, sentiments, and slogans have all been used by the Occupy Movement, Critical Mass, $15 Dollar an Hour activists and agitators, Labor Union activists and agitators, the drive to Recall Walker movement, the LGBT rights movement, the Anti-War movement, AdBusters, PETA, Code Pink, Moms Demand Action, Pussy Riot, Earth First; leftist activist front groups of generic, umbrella chagrin that invest their futures in blaming the past for solutions unrealized. Solutions never presented. Solutions talked about in terms unrealizable. Movements in the Sixties, co-opted from nascent movements of the Forties and Fifties, in reaction to romantic desires borne of the Thirties, attempted but never realized since the 1800's.

     Ironic, in a way, that the stated desires and goals of a 21st century black liberation movement is so rooted in the philosophies of a 19th century German, co-opting and employing the tactics of a 20th century Jew, whilst supporting in personhood the BDS Movement. Melding the racial and ethnic hate and blame ethos of a supposed preacher with a mob mentality approach to "justice."

     I expect this flavor of incongruous froth from organizers of coffee house revolutions. What is sad, is that otherwise reasonable people are now taking swigs of that bitter brew and finding it delicious.



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