Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why I can't support Trump

"Make America Great again!" What a slogan. It inspires visions of better times. Simpler times. Of baseball, hot apple pie, and nights on the front porch with the family. It also conjures up darker thoughts and the realization that as great as this country is, it may not be living up to its potential. Those thoughts play into the anger that the majority of Trump supporters seem to have. Now don't misunderstand me, I am not happy with the direction this country is heading. However, unlike most of Trump's supporters, I am remaining objective and rational. Unlike most Trump supporters, I don't see a rose when I look at Trump and listen to his message. Quite the opposite in fact. I smell a rat.

I can hear it already, "How can you say that!?" I can hear the sound of thousands, no make that millions, of minds slamming shut instead of remaining open-minded enough to listen to my reasons. I can only guess as to the reason why that is, probably because so many people are uncomfortable with having their own beliefs challenged by different opinions.

Now, for those of you who are still with me, allow me to share with you my reasons.

I give you exhibit "A", several of the Don's flip flops:

"So what" you say. He has changed his positions you say. He has evolved. Everyone has the right to change their minds. You're right, everyone of us has the right to change our mind. And someone who is running for the highest office in the land should be expected by those who's vote they are courting to explain their apparent complete 180 degree flip in beliefs. I have been told that Trump does not owe me an explanation for his change of heart. I disagree wholeheartedly. IF he wants my vote, and the vote of others who feel as I do, then he most certainly does owe me, and the entirety of the American people an explanation.

Exhibit "B":

Trump Defends Campaign: 'I'm Being Divisive Right Now Because I Want To Win'

Donald Trump is the attack dog of politicians, he is extremely divisive. Listen to the man sometime with an open-mind and all you will hear is divisive rhetoric.  His divisiveness is contagious and very evident when speaking to many of his supporters. Sure, Trump says he is being decisive because he wants to win, but what does it say about the man himself and his ability to inspire and lead if he has to resort to being decisive? A real leader can inspire without that sort of tactic.

Often when I am discussing my concerns with Trump supporters I am attacked in a very aggressive manner for daring to suggest that Trump is not my "man". I've been called everything from a liberal, to a freedom hater. I have been told that if I don't support Trump, that I might as well vote for Hilary, or Bernie. Let's get one thing straight right now, I vote for the person that best represents my beliefs. I vote for the person who will be uphold the Constitution of these United States of America. I will not be bullied into voting for someone who I feel does not meet that very basic qualification. Who I vote for is between me and the ballot box, and I vote for that person, not someone else. I find the entire premise of voting against someone else to be a very large part of the reason this country is in the mess it is in, but that is a topic for another post.

Exhibit "C":

The Don's "Positions"

I challenge you to read the positions of Donald Trump himself. For the most part they sound on point, but when you actually start digging into the "meat and potatoes" of those positions, you'll see that there is actually very little substance there. Now I don't expect any candidate to necessarily have all the answers. I expect the correct candidate to be able to surround themselves with people more knowledgeable about topics than they are. I expect that candidate to do their homework and listen to those advisors and spend a lot of time in deep thought. I expect that candidate to be able to clearly articulate the reason why they have taken the position they have taken, without resorting to rhetoric. I do not see any evidence of this with the Don. Instead I see a populist who is sticking his finger into the wind and seeing which way the proverbial wind is blowing before resorting to exhibit B, coming down on the side of the more popular opinion. In other words, the one that is more likely to get him elected. I don't trust someone who's only concern is popularity in real life, nor do I trust that sort of individual with my vote.

To those of you who have made it this far with me, these are the major reasons why I don't support Donald Trump for President. I do not feel he is the right man for the job. That is not to say that I wouldn't support him having an appointed position within the next President's administration, perhaps something suited to his business experience.

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